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Shiva and the Mysticism | Science behind Shiva Linga ॐ

Hinduism is said to be the oldest religion alive on Earth. Hinduism is all about love, devotion, spirituality, rituals, respect, humbleness. On the other hand, Hinduism also showed us the path of Self Awakening, self realization, concepts of advanced science, that Supreme power source every man have-the Kundalini and what not?

But the best of the best concept you can get from Hinduism is perhaps 'Lord Shiva', - The Adiyogi, The Destroyer, Mahakaal. We know him as many names, many forms many avatars but He is the ultimate Oneness, the God among the Gods. 
If we break the word 'Universe' we get UNI + VERSE. 
UNI a combining form occurring in loanwords from Latinused,with the meaning 'ONE'.
VERSE = Verse comes from the Latin word versus, which means a line of writing but we can also use it to refer a word.
Thus, if we combine both we will get a shocking result, UNIVERSE = ONE WORD.
YES. Universe is running from one single energy/frequency that is flowing even before the BIGBANG happened, when the universe was in a form of Singularity. 
And what if  I tell you that word is Om (ॐ) !!

The sound Om, when chanted, vibrates at the frequency of 432 Hz, which is the same vibrational frequency found throughout everything in nature (Or the Universe).
And we all know that Shiva is a synonym of the word Om. Its is his (shiva) great sound that creates everything and eventually destroys all.

Apart from the mystical spiritual part, have you ever imagine, what exactly the ShivaLinga looks like? Yes I know for the many of us the answer will be -- "phallus" (erect male genital part). Keeping that aside, let me tell you go see a Nuclear Dome, you will find more similarity with the shivling I can bet on that. and the base part of the shivling which is the symbol of 'YONI' (the female genital part) is actually the part by which the nuclear waste safely passes.  Look at the below images.....

Now what do you think?
Can you see the resemblance???

We hindus pour milk, ghee, coconut water, kheer, buttter, holy water ( gangajal) on the top of shiv ling to worship him. But have you ever imagined about cooling a nuclear dome by pouring cold liquids? Today we pour water over the Nuclear reactor to cool it. What if the Shivling is originated with the Idea of the Nuclear dome and pouring water and the other liquids is the techniques of cooling the Dome!!! More interesting fact is that, most of the shiva temples are found near water bodies like rivers or lakes, just like nuclear power plants.

Many scholars said the Shivling is actually stand for Energy or Atomic Energy,  which can be produced by a 'Nuclear Reactor' (a very powerful device. nuclear reactor, formerly known as an atomic pile, is a device used to initiate and control a self-sustained nuclear chain reaction. Source:  Wikipedia ). That much energy can be hugely destructive which is the characteristics of Shiva in Hindu Mythology. The destroyer or the God of Destruction.

So now, is it possible The Shiva Linga is actually represents the ancient nuclear power plant? THINK! I'm not here to make a conclusion but to make you think. If the almighty God created us a long ago then remember He Himself planted a brain to think inside our head to think freely. Think! 

Let me know your views in comments. And don't forget to share.!

Shiva and the Mysticism | Science behind Shiva Linga ॐ Shiva and the Mysticism  | Science behind Shiva Linga ॐ Reviewed by Truth and Motivation on July 25, 2018 Rating: 5

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