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About Us

Howdy Friends,

Welcome to 'Truth & Motivation' blog. It's a blog about some untold stories, unseen mysteries and motivation that people needs in their life. We will find the truth behind mysteries and myths, together!

I am Avinabo Chakraborty. you can call me a internet savvy who have a keen interest in world's most complex and unsolved mysteries and myths, as well as in occult sciences. I started this blog on Sept'2017 to share my thinking about these myths and secrets with like-minded people and give the kind of motivations that motivates me. Most of the things that I write here comes from the books I've read and years of proper internet searching. I feel that blogging is the best platform to share.
I started a facebook page too, to connect with more and more like-minded people around the globe and listen what they have to say about these.
Click here to connect with the page- Truth and Motivation .

About the blog:

I try to shape my thoughts and provide you information about various topics. Photography is what inspire and motivates me a lot. So I gathered some of my best shots and posted in a separate page in this blog. Click HERE to see the page. Another best part of starting a blog is MONEY. Yes! you can monetize your blog with google ad-sense and other various affiliate programs. I'll definitely post a article on it. It's the hardest part of blogging but money doesn't com that easy, you know!

About Me:

Hello, As I said my name is Avinabo Chakraborty. I like to travel on the narrowest lanes of internet, dig data that help me gather raw information and books to help me write blog and satisfy my hunger of knowing things. If I have to talk about myself, I'll say, Net-savvy, reader, listener, deep-thinker, gamer, blogger, rider, designer, developer, amateur photographer. And the other some things you'll explore through the posts of my blog and choice of topics.

About Us About Us Reviewed by Truth and Motivation on September 02, 2018 Rating: 5

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